Think about all of the hot women on The Millionaire Matchmaker television show. The women on there basically line up and get evaluated like animals, just for a CHANCE to get a date with a millionaire. Although all women don't choose men based on money or money alone, a good portion of them do. And being rich doesn't mean that they will actually genuinely love you. However, a good portion of women will sleep with men who look like they have money, in hopes of getting their piece of the pie.
So what's the great thing about this knowledge? Most of you are not in LA, NYC, Miami, or any city that has a ton of ballers in night clubs. What does this mean? It means that it will be very easy for you to look like a baller and get a ton of women to sleep with you very easily. You will be getting a ton of eye contact and women approaching you, especially if you also look pretty good physically.
How do you do this? I'll tell you in a few easy steps. And remember, the whole point is to focus your cash on what women can immediately see. Here are the steps:
1) Buy the most expensive clothes that you can.
2) Buy as many diamonds/flashy jewelry as you can afford. (If your clothes look expensive enough, you may not even need this step.)
3) Go to nightclubs that don't have a lot of other ballers to compete with.
4) Never talk about anything that gives away your real net worth if you really aren't a rich guy.
After this, you just cash in and have as many one night stands as you want. If you show up to a bar with expensive clothes on, flashing your jewelry, it really is your game to lose. You don't need any game, any DHV stories, or any of the traditional stuff associated with the seduction community. Not all women are after money, but a decent-looking guy that looks like he has money and isn't a complete fucking weirdo is as irresistible to women as a girl with a nice boob job is to men, especially when you're not in a city known for it's ballers and beauties.